Corporate sustainability
Powering industry towards
a net-zero future
It's not just about powering industry: it's a movement toward a net-zero future. We enable opportunities to significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Skeleton exists to make every watt count.
Why choose Skeleton
Skeleton's supercapacitors do not contain any critical raw materials. SuperBatteries on the other hand use no graphite, copper, nickel, or cobalt.
Skeleton's products do not contain conventional battery binders like PTFE or PVDF, which makes product processing less hazardous as no HF is formed from fluorine-based binders.
Our products are safer to handle than Li-ion batteries due to no lithiated graphite or lithium plating.
Saving energy has never been more important
As a high-power energy storage company, it is our purpose to enable decarbonization and energy savings. We do this by offering sustainable products that are safer and easier to recycle than conventional batteries, while contributing to lowering the global demand for critical raw materials.
We focus on high-to-decarbonize sectors and high-power applications, whose path to net-zero was undermined by the lack of suitable solutions until now. Our commitment to corporate sustainability however goes beyond that. It is truly in Skeleton's DNA and, therefore, is a key driver of our strategy and decision-making.
We believe it is our social responsibility to meet global environmental challenges and to promote the responsible use of the world’s finite resources.
Sustainability policy
We are committed to conducting business in a manner that is environmentally sustainable, socially responsible, and characterized by strong governance practices. This means that we follow the OECD guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and integrate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into our operations, decision-making processes, and interactions with stakeholders.
Skeleton takes action for a renewable future
I am proud to be a part of Skeleton and its graphene-based energy storage technology that is changing the energy industry.
At Skeleton, we focus on reducing our carbon footprint and environmental impact by improving production efficiency, which covers improving energy use and yield, and increasing the use of renewable energy sources. We support the transition to a low carbon economy with energy savings created by our products and promote the transfer to renewable energy usage with our products' peak shaving properties. We already power some of the world's largest industries 365 days a year. When you're ready to invest in the future of the planet, without compromising on efficiency - we're your power.
Anne Mari Kääp, Chief Sustainability Officer
ESG Management in Skeleton
• ESG policy and management principles
• ISO 14001 Certified environmental management system
• Regular ESG risk assessment and monitoring
• Sustainability awareness trainings and open communication
• Supply chain due diligence system
• ESG indicators and performance evaluation
• Continuous improvement and development
- What's next?
• Production EMAS certification in 2025
• First public ESG report in 2026