Fast Reacting
Megawatts of Power

Field-tested solutions
MWs of Power in a Single Cabinet
SkelGrid cabinets provide extremely high power for a short period of time
or lower power for a longer duration.
Long lifetime
Limited to no impact on efficiency after one million cycles.
Field tested
+10 000 installed modules and systems, covering applications in grid, transportation, and industry.
Easy integration
Connects directly to DC Bus system, DCDC convertor, or AC bus system through DCAC inverter.
Advanced CMS
The market’s most advanced Capacitor Management System (CMS) with numerous functions including resistive balancing, State-of-Health estimation, and prediction of Remaining Useful Life.

Experience efficient energy storage during excess power production
that can be utilized during peak demand periods:
Absorb & stabilize production output
Bypass the limitations of renewable's fluctuating output.
Peak demand shaving
Reduce pressure on grid connection during peak demand
intervals, with instant charge and discharge.
Reduce down-time
Increase power production output by reducing down-time due
to power sags and disruptions.

Supercapacitors offer fast and frequent charge and discharge capabilities,
with significantly higher power density.
Higher power density & lower cost
Significantly smaller footprint and cost compared to battery
solution with the same rated power.
Safer by design
In high-voltage DC applications, supercapacitors offer greater
stability and safety than high-energy Li-ion batteries, which can
experience thermal runaway.
Better fit for E-STATCOM applications
Supercapacitors are a perfect solution for the requirements of
E-STATCOM for frequent and fast high-power energy absorption and

100+ MWs
Of grid and industrial installations, 10 000+ systems & modules in the field.

Millions charge cycles with minimal performance impact.

Sustainable European supply chain for materials, components, and production.
Discover the future of high-power energy storage
Want to discuss your E-STATCOM project? Book a consultation today and Learn how our supercapacitor systems can revolutionize your E-STATCOM applications!

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