The safest battery on the market


Charged less than 90 seconds.
50 000 life cycles. Safe & sustainable.
Going beyond batteries.
Breakthrough for electrification

Skeleton's SuperBattery is a game-changer in the world of energy storage. It fills the technological gap between supercapacitors and traditional batteries, offering the ideal combination of energy, power, and safety. Designed for applications that need less than 45 minutes of power, SuperBattery is not just a product - it's a promise for a more efficient, safer future.


SuperBattery is bringing us closer to a net-zero future.

View SuperBattery benefits
skeleton superbattery

SuperBattery benefits

SuperBattery is an innovative technology combining the characteristics of supercapacitors and batteries.

charged in under 90 seconds
Charged in under 90 seconds

Less than 90 seconds of charging will allow for up to 30 minutes of driving, eliminating long charging breaks.

50000 life cycles
50 000 life cycles

SuperBattery has more than 10 times more charge-discharge cycles compared to Lithium-Ion batteries, providing much longer lifetime.

Inherently safe
Inherently safe

No thermal runaways, no need for thermal propagation measures. SuperBatteries are safe, even when pierced, crushed, or overheated.

More sustainable raw materials
More sustainable raw materials

SuperBatteries don't use cobalt, nickel, graphite, or copper.



"Skeleton's unique combination of materials allows for 100x faster charging compared to standard lithium-ion batteries while offering excellent safety."

 Ludovico Barro Savonuzzi
Ludovico Barro Savonuzzi
Lead Application Engineer
Lets talk
Grid and industrial installations
100+ MWs of grid and industrial installations, 10 000+ systems & modules in the field
Curved Graphene
Unique technology & product roadmap with Curved Graphene, protected by 70 patent families
World-class team of professionals
The largest R&D team in the industry, driven by a passion to fight climate change - join us!

SuperBattery energy storage products
for electrification across industries

SuperBattery cell
SuperBattery cells
High energy throughput, high power, and long lifetime in a safe, industry-standard form factor.

Skeleton's SuperBattery energy storage cells are based on our proprietary Curved Graphene raw material, allowing for a long lifetime (50,000 charge-discharge cycles), high power, energy density comparable to high-power batteries, and excellent safety. The first SuperBattery cells come in the supercapacitor industry standard D60 large cell form factor.

SuperBattery module
SuperBattery modules
A safer, more sustainable solution for up to 45-minute energy storage applications.

Skeleton's SuperBattery modules offer high peak power, fast charging, and long lifetime for demanding needs. Get in touch with us to discuss our upcoming SuperBattery modules.


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We can help you to find the best solution for your needs

Please fill in the form below and our team will get in touch with you to discuss your needs in more detail.

Unfortunately, we can't service private customers - thank you for understanding. If you are curious about using ultracapacitors at home, please have a look at our blog post Ultracapacitors vs. Batteries for more information.


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