Ultracapacitor technology

The energy
storage technology
for a net zero future

Leading high-power energy storage solutions for electrification

Your cells have very low resistance so are truly high-power devices. I think they are the best in the world of the carbon/carbon type.”

Dr. Andrew F. Burke
Dr. Andrew F. Burke
Research Engineer
UCDavis, University Center on Sustainable Transportation
Skeleton ultracapacitors curved graphene
What are ultracapacitors?

What are ultracapacitors?

Ultracapacitors or supercapacitors are an energy storage technology that offers high power density, almost instant charging and discharging, high reliability, extreme temperature tolerance, and lifetimes of more than 1,000,000 charge-discharge cycles.


Ultracapacitors have been in development for decades, but the biggest development steps have happened only in the past 15 years, driven by advances in nanomaterials with Skeleton's Curved Graphene being a prime example of a breakthrough technology.

Ultracapacitors are now delivering significant economic benefits in the form of energy and fuel savings across a wide range of markets including automotive, grid and renewable energy, transportation, and industrial applications.

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Superior power, safety, and reliability for high-power applications
Skeleton generation 1 supercapacitors
Skelcap Supercapacitors (Gen 1)
  • 4x power density compared to competitors
  • High power (up to 60x compared to batteries)
  • 1,000,000+ lifecycles
  • Ultrafast charging times (<1 s)
Graphene SkelCap
Graphene Supercapacitors (Gen 2)
  • +72% increase in energy density (16 Wh/L), while maintaining high power
  • 1,000,000+ lifecycles
  • Ultrafast charging times (<1 s)
  • Increased efficiency & lower footprint
  • High energy density (65 Wh/kg)
  • 50,000+ lifecycles
  • Fast charging times (60s)
  • Extremely competitive cost-base compared to similar energy storage technologies
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Supercapacitors to energy storage systems

From supercapacitor cells to energy storage systems

Our patented Curved Graphene carbon material provides our supercapacitors with superior power and energy density in the supercapacitor industry, and this advantage carries over to our supercapacitor modules and systems.


We make our own Curved Graphene carbon raw material, and produce our supercapacitor cells, modules, and systems to strict quality standards, servicing our customers in automotive, transportation, grid and renewables, and industry.


German quality from the global technology leader in high-power energy storage.


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Curved graphene ultracapacitor
Supercapacitor Cells
Skeleton’s supercapacitor cells are unique in the world of supercapacitor energy storage. Protected by more than 30 patent families covering everything from the raw material to the synthesis and production processes, our cells offer excellent power, reliability, and lifetime.
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Supercapacitor Modules
From low to high voltage
The strengths of our supercapacitor cells carry over to our SkelMod and SkelStart modules, used across industries by some of the largest companies in automotive, transportation, and grid.
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Curved Graphene lab
Curved Graphene
At the heart of our supercapacitors' performance advantage is our nanotechnology research into Curved Graphene, our patented raw material.
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SkelGrid supercapacitor systems
Supercapacitor energy storage systems
MWs of immediate power
Skeleton’s energy storage systems are used for example in power quality and industrial UPS applications. The SkelGrid systems are fully modular and can be built to your needs, offering megawatts of power in milliseconds.
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Europe manufacturing

Global reach from the heart of Europe

Our Dresden Superfactory is the largest and most modern supercapacitor factory in Europe. Our Leipzig Superfactory, to be opened in 2024, will be the largest supercapacitor factory in the world.
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Saving energy has never been more important

Saving energy has
never been more important

"There are structural changes taking place in the largest CO2 emission sources such as power generation, transportation, and industry. Energy storage is a key element in drastically reducing emissions in these sectors, and innovation in energy storage plays a crucial role in enabling the global economy to achieve crucial climate goals."

Taavi Madiberk,
CEO of Skeleton

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Unfortunately, we can't service private customers - thank you for understanding. If you are curious about using ultracapacitors at home, please have a look at our blog post Ultracapacitors vs. Batteries for more information.


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