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Skeleton joins the Cleantech Scale-up coalition

At the Cleantech for Europe summit, alongside speakers such as Executive Vice-President of the European Commission Margrethe Vestager, European Commissioner for Environment Virginijus Sinkevičius, and Jean-David Malo, Director of the European Innovation Council, our CEO Taavi Madiberk announced Skeleton officially joins the Cleantech Scale-up Coalition set up by Cleantech for Europe.  

The coalition was launched in October 2022 in the presence of European Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson and Breakthrough Energy founder Bill Gates and now gathers 12 fast-growing cleantech companies, coming together to usher in a new era of climate and industrial leadership for Europe. 

The companies in the coalition are scaling and industrialising technologies helping Europe become climate neutral, energy independent and competitive: working across value chains and sectors, from decarbonising industry and energy with renewable hydrogen to producing scalable low-carbon cement, from electrifying transport to recycling materials and batteries. The Cleantech Scale-up Coalition aims to make next generation clean technologies a strategic priority in the public debate, and advocates for the policy conditions for these technologies – and the companies developing them - to scale and become global front-runners. Other members of the coalition include H2 Green Steel, Sunfire, Volta Trucks, Enapter, Verkor, as well as investors such as Demeter, Munich Venture Partners, Eurazeo Smart City, 2150, and more... 

The coalition considers there are key measures the EU needs to adopt to remain competitive. In particular, it should actively seek and remove all barriers to scaling up clean technologies. This includes massively increasing financing for the most innovative companies, creating demand with clear incentives for green procurement, removing regulatory hurdles such as years-long permitting and slow standardisation, and building up the supply chains and infrastructure needed for this scale-up. 

The coalition considers there are key measures the EU needs to adopt to remain competitive. In particular, it should actively seek and remove all barriers to scaling up clean technologies.

Cleantech for Europe Summit in Brussels, organised on January 25, represented the first meeting of the cleantech and European policy communities following President von der Leyen’s announcement of the Net Zero Industry Act in Davos. At the summit, Margrethe Vestager discussed some of the plans launched and unveiled by the EU to transition the EU’s economy to net-zero in less than three decades and keep Europe an attractive place to work, innovate, scale up and produce. She also unveiled the Green Deal Industrial Plan, which will aim to make Europe the home for clean tech and industrial innovation, and will be built on four pillars: regulation, finance, skills and trade. The new Net-Zero Industry Act will aim to simplify and fast-track permitting for new clean-tech production sites. 

Margrethe Vestager also addressed some of the key industrial topics in the EU right now. One is the State aid rules. „More may be needed in sectors strategic for the green transition and impacted both by high, volatile, unpredictable energy prices and by large amounts of subsidies in third countries. That’s why we are working on simplifying our State aid rules and speeding up the use of those rules.“ She also emphasized long-term competitiveness is not build on subsidies, but on business ingenuity, innovation, skills and trade. Vestager stated the European Commission will be proposing a European Sovereignty Fund later this year, combined with nearer term solutions to bridge the funding gap, avoid fragmentation of the Single Market, and enable more EU-level funding. Last but not the least, she also addressed the topic of the Inflation Reduction Act. „The big news of the IRA is of course that the US have in full speed entered the fight against climate change. This is a good thing. The fact that we find that it contains a number of questionable provisions and runs the risk of diluting our shared sense of purpose when it comes to tackling the climate crisis is something we need to respond to“. 

For Skeleton, being part of the Cleantech Scale-up Coalition set up by Cleantech for Europe, allows us to contribute as stakeholders to these critical topics and plans for the future of Europe’s cleantech industry. 

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