energy storage

Out of over 13,000 innovators, Skeleton secures a place on GCT100

Tallinn, Estonia, 29th of January 2019. Skeleton Technologies, the European market leader in ultracapacitors and energy storage systems for transportation and grid applications, was named for the fourth time running by Cleantech Group in the prestigious 2019 Global Cleantech 100.

The Global Cleantech 100 is an annual guide to the leading companies and themes in sustainable innovation. It features the private, independent, for-profit companies best positioned to solve tomorrow’s clean technology challenges. This year marks the 10th edition of the list.

Skeleton Technologies is the European market leader for ultracapacitors in transportation and grid applications.

Skeleton ultracapacitors are high-power energy storage devices, which, unlike batteries, can be charged in a few seconds and have one million life cycles. In the Transportation sector, last year, we won a major contract with the legendary double-decker bus company, Wrightbus.  Our graphene ultracapacitors now reduce bus CO2 emissions by 36%.

The list combines Cleantech Group’s research data with qualitative judgments from nominations and insight from a global 87-member expert panel comprised of leading investors and experts from corporations and industrials active in technology and innovation scouting. From pioneers and veterans to new entrants, the expert panel broadly represents the global cleantech community and results in a list with a powerful base of respect and support from many important players within the cleantech innovation ecosystem. The list is sponsored by Chubb.

“Our tenth edition is dominated by innovations for the future of food and mobility, and a decentralized and digitized future not only for energy, but for the industrial world more generally,” said Richard Youngman, CEO, Cleantech Group.

“This is a far cry from the dominance of hardware, solar and biofuels in the inaugural Global Cleantech 100 in 2009.”

The complete list of 100 companies was revealed on 28 January at the 17th annual Cleantech Forum San Francisco.

  • For detailed information on Skeleton Technologies’ outlook as an innovator, visit Cleantech Group’s market intelligence platform i3 and search for Skeleton Technologies.

About Cleantech Group

Cleantech® Group provides research, consulting and events to catalyze opportunities for sustainable growth powered by innovation. At every stage from initial strategy to final deals, we bring corporate change makers, investors, governments and stakeholders from across the ecosystem the access and customized support they need to thrive in a more digitized, de-carbonized and resource-efficient future.

The company was established in 2002 and is headquartered in San Francisco with a growing international presence in London. Our parent company, Enovation Partners, is based in Chicago.

Media Contact:
Laura Dolby

Cleantech Group



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