[PRESS RELEASE] Skeleton Technologies and DIMAC RED S.p.A. Signed a Contract to Scale Up Ultracapacitor Distribution

INNOTRANS Berlin, Germany, 18th of September 2018. Skeleton Technologies, Europe's leading ultracapacitor manufacturer has signed a contract with the Italian company DimacRed S.p.A. for distribution and technical cooperation in heavy transportation and grid applications.
In grid applications, the power density and low ESR allow for frequency regulation, voltage drop avoidance, and blackout prevention.
In the megawatt second range, nothing comes close to ultracapacitors when there is a need for extremely high power and current densities due to their electrostatic nature. Skeleton Technologies’ ultracapacitors have the highest power and energy density available on the market.
Ultracapacitors are already widely used in light rail energy recuperation systems and in grid blackout prevention systems, two areas of expertise familiar to Dimac Red.
Dimac Red S.p.A., has been key provider of ultracapacitor technology for the past 14 years and has implemented it on light trucks and other hybrid and electric vehicles from an early design phase.
"We have tested all the leading suppliers on the market and are convinced that Skeleton Technologies has by far the best offer. The lowest internal resistance (ESR) and highest efficiency levels of Skeleton’s ultracapacitors lets us explore new solutions that were not thinkable with other products. We are now keen to scale up the technology.", said Mr. Valter Arosio Chief Executive Officer of DIMAC RED S.p.A.
Mr Taavi Madiberk, CEO of Skeleton Technologies added: “For us, this is an important step to enlarge our network and have DIMAC RED on board to help boost our business, especially in Heavy Transportation and Grid. With the highest power density ultracapacitors on the market, DIMAC RED will help provide the vital energy and cost savings required for today and tomorrow’s energy storage systems”